La vegetariana
The vegetarian
Premiere: Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna, 25/10/2024
About this event
The adaptation of the successful novel that introduced South Korean writer Han Kang to Italy. The protagonist is Yeong-hye, an ‘ordinary’ woman who suddenly upsets her own and her family’s daily routine by announcing she no longer wants to eat meat. A sensual, provocative and violent text, full of powerful images and disturbing questions, in the new theatre version by author and director Daria Deflorian.
absolute première
Duration: 1 h 40 minutes
Artistic Data
set Daniele Spanò
lights Giulia Pastore
sound Emanuele Pontecorvo
costumes Metella Raboni
artistic consultant for set realization Lisetta Buccellato
project collaborator Attilio Scarpellini
technical direction Lorenzo Martinelli with Micol Giovanelli
intern Blu Silla
assistant director Andrea Pizzalis
for INDEX Valentina Bertolino, Elena de Pascale, Francesco Di Stefano, Silvia Parlani
communication Francesco Di Stefano
INDEX production
in coproduction with Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale; La Fabbrica dell’Attore – Teatro Vascello in corealizzazione con corealized with Romaeuropa Festival; TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa; Triennale Milano Teatro; Odéon–Théâtre de l’Europe; Festival d’Automne à Paris; théâtre Garonne, scène européenne – Toulouse
in collaboration with ATCL / Spazio Rossellini; Istituto Culturale Coreano in Italia
with the support of MiC – Ministero della Cultura
photos by Andrea Pizzalis
copyright © Han Kang 2007
copyright © Adelphi 2016
within Opening – Italian showcase