Le parole del corpo
(The Words of the Body)
About this event
Public demonstration of the course carried out, under the guidance of the international master Hannes Langolf and the choreographer Michela Lucenti, by the students of the course The Words of the Body. School of Physical Dramaturgy, co-financed by the European Social Fund, Emilia-Romagna Region. A course born from the urgency to investigate and experiment the relationship between dance and theatre starting from the body.
absolute premiere
Artistic Data
work demonstration by
Michela Lucenti and Hannes Langolf
with the performers of the course
Le parole del corpo. Scuola di Drammaturgia Fisica (The Words of the Body. School of Physical Dramaturgy) by Michela Lucenti, cofinanced by European Social Fund, Emilia-Romagna Region
Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale
within CARNE focus of physical dramaturgy
within Opening – Italian showcase
a production of