Quando la vita ti viene a trovare
(When the life come to meet you. Dialogue between Lucrezio and Seneca)
Premiere: Teatro Alighieri/Ravenna Festival, Ravenna, 20/06/2019
About this event
Lucrezio and Seneca: two fundamental authors, not only for having shaped the European philosophy, but also because they symbolize two opponent conceptions of the world.
Opposite to each other in every way: to choose politics or anti-politics?
To have a rest, alone, by the river, watching the hardship of life, or get on board with no care for our companions? To follow the rules of the cosmos or the laws of our ego?
In presence of God and while facing Death, shall we believe or understand?
Who cares which answers they gave, what matters is their idiosyncrasy to the unique ideology.
In order to respect and to mirror their diversity, their drama, their presence, it seemed natural for us to develop the short-range form of a dialogue, where the Word and the Reason of the first meet the Word and the Reason of the latter.
Lining up for one means doubting that the thruth lies in the other: since both of them wrote about us, for us.
Icons of the bigamy of our Thought and our Soul. A posthumous classic.
Artistic Data
produced by Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
in collaboration with Cooperativa Le tre corde-Compagnia Vetrano/Randisi, Ravenna Festival