Afghanistan: enduring freedom
Premiere: Teatro Mercadante/Napoli Teatro Festival, Napoli, 08/07/2018
About this event
The Great Game: Afghanistan is a portrait ‘play’ commissioned by London-based Tricycle Theatre to thirteen among the most interesting authors of English-language theatre. A drama experiment that well describes the complex and unsuccessful relation between Western World and the middle-eastern Country, ever so often – and against their will – at the centre of world’s chessboard.
The project Afghanistan by Bruni and De Capitani includes two independent yet connected shows: Afghanistan: il grande gioco and Afghanistan: enduring freedom.
Theater season 2018/2019
from 23/10/2018 to 25/10/2018
from 28/11/2018 to 30/11/2018
from 04/12/2018 to 16/12/2018
Artistic Data
Richard Bean, Lee Blessing, David Greig, Ron Hutchinson, Stephen Jeffreys, Ben Ockrent, Simon Stephens, Colin Teevan, Naomi Wallace, Joy Wilkinso
directed by
Ferdinando Bruni and Elio De Capitani
Claudia Coli, Michele Costabile, Enzo Curcurù, Alessandro Lussiana, Fabrizio Matteini, Michele Radice, Emilia Scarpati Fanetti, Massimo Somaglino, Hossein Taheri, Giulia Viana
co-produced by
Teatro dell’Elfo and Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
in collaboration with
Fondazione Campania dei Festival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia
with the support of
Fondazione Cariplo
photo Laila Pozzo
a production of