Amore e Carne
(Love and Flesh)
Premiere: Debutto: Teatro Carignano/Festival delle Colline Torinesi, Torino, 13/06/2011
About this event
When you lie in the valley, you can feel
how the earth is overflowing with blood
and in its huge breast, heaved up by a soul,
is love and flesh, love and flesh…
A concert by and with Pippo Delbono, who mixes his voice with the violin of Alexander Balanescu and the poetic words of Pasolini, Rimbaud, Eliot, Whitman in a quest for the secret, perhaps magic threads connecting people and stories above and beyond different national and linguistic backgrounds. Maybe music is the secret story that keeps things together in harmony.
“This concert”, explains Delbono, “is my personal encounter with the violin. The same instrument that my father used to play every night when he came back from work and that he sold one day and I have never heard again. The violin, the object of my presumed family connection to Niccolò Paganini. The devil’s violinist.
When I first heard Alexander Balanescu playing the violin, I heard notes coming out like a scream of the soul. I heard the same notes that did not allow me to sleep when I was a child. And I hear the singing of other lives, of exiles and pride of people, the singing of a beautiful and hard land: Romania.”
Pippo Delbono
Amore e Carne