Erodiàs + Mater strangosciàs
Premiere: Nuovo Teatro delle Passioni, Modena (Italy), 17/10/2023
About this event
Sandro Lombardi, unforgettable interpreter of the memorable sequence between 1996 and 1998 of the texts by Testori, Tre lai (Cleopatràs, Erodiàs, Mater strangosciàs) after having seen Anna Della Rosa in the staging of the first one, directed by Valter Malosti, entrusted her with the interpretation of the second and third of the Lai. Not a direction but a real gift, according to the tradition of eastern theatre tradition, in which the most experienced actor hands over to the youngest his interpretation.
A gift to the audience for a work that focuses on the second and third part of the three laments of love.
The Lai are Giovanni Testori’s last testament and the apex of the writer’s extraordinary creative season of the writer. These heroines straddle an epochal transition, contemporary and distant, re-emerge from death to tell their stories and weep over the body of the beloved and tell us all about the mystery par excellence, that of Love.
Extracts from press review
HYSTRIO – Sara Chiappori – March 2024
There is something rare and precious in the operation that Sandro Lombardi and Anna Della Rosa share in the shadow of Giovanni Testori. (…) And to move as it has not happened for some time it is not only the splendour of a text (…) it is the invisible plot embroidered inside a meeting that, among many things, tells us how much life there is in a show that dies every night.
ARTRIBUNE – Nicola Arrigoni – 27/02/2024
Anna Della Rosa transform Sandro Lombardi’s theatrical score into a score of extraordinary power and incredible executive control. (…) The result is an heart-breaking and angry song, an exercise in style and virtuosity that shows and demonstrates without a doubt the expressive potential of the interpreter.
PAC PANEACQUACULTURE.NET – Renzo Francabandera – 23/10/2023
The interpretation is based on minimal tonal variations, a great and very risky challenge that is renewed at each performance, a gamble entrusted to the magic and damnation of theatre.
CONTROSCENE – Enrico Fiore – 17/10/2023
Well, she, struggling with that word, wraps herself with it and at the same time defends herself from it. (…) And, so, she gets the dizzying result of merging the word and life exactly as did the great heretic of Novate.
All the Press Extracts
Artistic Data
Project realised in collaboration with Giovanni Testori Association
thanks to Giovanni Agosti for sharing his knowledge
thanks to Giorgio Bertelli for the throne of Erodiàs
thanks to Nicolò Rossi for granting the text of his critical revision of Tre lai
thanks to Giovanna Buzzi for the costume of Anna Della Rosa
thanks to Federico Tiezzi without whose work on the Tre lai between 1996 and 1998 this project would not even be conceivable
photos by Daniela Neri