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La valle dell'Eden

(East of Eden)

Premiere: Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna, 6/11/2019 - 9/11/2019

About this event

La valle dell’Eden (East of Heaven) (1952), a masterpiece written by Steinbeck in his mature age, is like a “world opera”: a modern revisiting of the Book of Genesi, with the shape of a monumental family saga of “a fall”, this hypnotic picture of conflicts between relatives and generations, that goes through
American History from the middle of 19th century to the first world war, is an extraordinary dissertation about modernity’s twilight, able to camouflage the dark and incommunicable background of individual and collective experiences.
Antonio Latella, after the great success of Santa Estasi and his peculiar
excursus of Pinocchio by Collodi, has taken the challenge to confront with the
multifaceted and slippery substance of Steinbeck’s romance in order to explore its universal themes, discovering a tight and problematic relationship with the time present, thanks to a cast of actors composed by emerging interpreters as well as established artists.



Theater season 2019/2020
from 01/01/1970 to 17/11/2019
from 20/11/2019 to 24/11/2019
from 27/11/2019 to 01/12/2019

Artistic Data

by John Steinbeck
translation by Maria Baiocchi and Anna Tagliavini
adapted by Linda Dalisi and Antonio Latella
directed by Antonio Latella
with Michele Di Mauro, Christian La Rosa, Emiliano Masala, Candida Nieri, Annibale Pavone, Massimiliano Speziani, Elisabetta Valgoi

set design Giuseppe Stellato
costume design
Simona D’Amico
light design Simone De Angelis
original music and sound Franco Visioli
assistant at the artistic project Brunella Giolivo
trainee assistant director Paolo Costantini
technical manager Robert John Resteghini
stage director and chef machinist Lorenzo Martinelli
machinist Riccardo Benecchi
head electrician Lorenzo Maugeri
sound technician Chiara Losi
stage sound technician Hania Radecka
costume realization Cinzia Virguti
Simona Paganelli
props Alessandra Biondi
set realized in the workshop of Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
head carpenter
Gioacchino Gramolini
iron constructions Marco Fieni, Riccardo Betti
carpenters Sergio Puzzo, Gianluca Bolla
set decorators Ludovica Sitti (head), Lucia Bramati, Sarah Menichini, Benedetta Monetti, Rebecca Zavattoni
graphic design Marco Smacchia
video documentation Lucio Fiorentino
photo Brunella Giolivo
produced by Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fondazione Teatro Metastasio- Prato, Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria

EAST OF EDEN Copyright © 1952 by John Steinbeck
Copyright © renewed 1980 by Elaine Steinbeck, Thom Steinbeck, and John Steinbeck IV

a production of La valle dell'Eden • Production Emilia Romagna Teatro
