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L'ultima estate

Falcone e Borsellino thirty years later

About this event

1992 was a dramatic and crucial year, which changed the history of Italy forever. Judges Falcone and Borsellino, frontline of the legal war against mafia, were killed: their murder had a strong impact in Italy and abroad, changing the cultural perspective on the conflict with the criminal organization and questioning the relationship between politics, crimes, and civil society.

‘The Last Summer. Falcone e Borsellino 30 years later’ retraces the last months of life of the two Palermo anti-mafia judges: known and less known facts, public and intimate, delving into the story of two extraordinary men, their humanity, their strength and their deep sense of the State. But also their joy, irony, anger. And their isolation, in a battle with many, and sometimes unexpected enemies.

The Last Summer is a delicate mosaic of events of ironic and bitter, public and intimate moments. Far from rituals and mythologies, the two protagonists question themselves and tell their stories, confronting each other and with the viewers, leading them to relive fundamental moments of their friendship, as well as the history of Italy, starting from the end, their deaths.

Far from the celebrations, the story of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino is staged in the most authentic and daily dimension, which takes nothing away from the meaning of their battle, but completes them as human beings.

The text is written by Claudio Fava, politician and former Member of the European Parliament, writer and scenarist, author of several publications on the theme of mafia and of acclaimed Venice Biennale best screenplay 2001, for the movie One hundred steps (I cento passi), about the life and death of Antimafia activist Giuseppe Impastato.

The Last Summer has been supported by the Directorate for Public and Cultural Diplomacy in an international tour framed in 2022, 30th anniversary in memory of Falcone and Borsellino. It has been the first theatre piece ever performed at the Court of Justice of the European Union, for the Council of EU, June 2022.

The show has been presented in several countries and in different contexts, in theatres and cultural venues, pairing the show for general audiences with specific programs for high schools and university students. 



Stagione 22/23
Metropol Theater - TIRANA (Albania)
Teatro Petro Marko - VALONA (Albania)
Fondazione Cacoyannis - ATENE (Grecia)
Istituto Italiano di Cultura - PARIGI (Francia)
Corte di Giustizia Europea per il Consiglio d’Europa - LUSSEMBURGO
Istituto Italiano di Cultura - MARSIGLIA (Francia)
Théâtre du Balcon, Festival della Cultura Italiana - AVIGNONE (Francia)
Spazyu Kreattiv - LA VALLETTA (Malta)
Teatro Urania - ZAGABRIA (Croazia)
HNK - FIUME (Croazia)
Festum Teatro-Kazalište - UMAGO (Croazia)
Istituto Italiano di Cultura - LONDRA (UK)
Assembly Roxy - EDIMBURGO (Scozia)
Théatre Régional d’Oran, Journées du théâtre méditerranéen - ORANO (Algeria)
Théatre Régional d’Annaba - ANNABA (Algeria)
Théâtre National Algérien - ALGERI (Algeria)
Parco Valle dei Templi - AGRIGENTO
Premio Vigata - PORTO EMPEDOCLE (AG)
Festival La Versiliana - MARINA DI PETRASANTA (LU)
Festival di Todi - TODI (PG)

Artistic Data

by Claudio Fava
a project by Simone Luglio
directed by Chiara Callegari
with Simone Luglio e Giovanni Santangelo
voice off Luca Massaro

set and costumes Simone Luglio
original music Salvo Seminatore
lighting design Massimo Galardini
tecnical direction Emanuele Pontecorvo
production Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale
in collaboration with KNK TEATRO 

a project produced in collaboration with Fondazione Teatro Metastasio di Prato and Collegamenti Festival

international touring in collaboration with the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy

photo by Duccio Burberi/Fondazione Teatro Metastasio di Prato
photo by KNK Teatro

a production of L'ultima estate • Production Emilia Romagna Teatro