Il Capitale
A book we haven’t read yet
Premiere: VIE Festival, Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna (Italy), 8/10/2022
About this event
Funded in 2015 by Nicola Borghesi, Enrico Baraldi and Paola Aiello, Kepler-452’s activity focuses on two main axes. On the one hand, the urgency of targeting a specific audience aged between 20 and 30 through shows, festivals, exhibitions and workshops. On the other hand, the Company intends to investigate and stage the lives of non-professionals (otherwise called “world-actors”) by glorifying their identities.
Il Capitale (Das Kapital) is an investigation into the relationship between workplaces and workers: factories and redundant workers, agricultural crops and labourers, riders in large cities and many other types of workers.
Accomplices of this new work are the 1263 pages of Das Kapital, Karl Marx’s manifesto: “A work without which our daily life would probably be very different”, say Kepler-452.
For the artistic collective, it seems that the time has come to face the reinterpretation of Marx’s thought; his theories have conditioned generations of readers and academics, and are a dialectical source of inspiration still alive today.
The goal is to re-read Das Kapital by putting it in dialogue with today’s political mechanisms; to bring out the relationship between Marx’s words and reality by giving space to the intimate dimension of the voices met in the research.
Extracts from press review
AKWEB.DE – Lucia Steinwender – April 2024
(…) A beautiful, strong piece about solidarity could now be seen on stage.
SIPARIO.IT – Roberto Canavesi – 18/02/2024
The Capital of Kepler-452 becomes an unsettling interrogation and questioning of the specific function of art. (…) A provocative question that accompanies the ninety-minute viewing, needless to say, greeted with convinced and deserved applause.
GAGARIN – Tommaso Chimenti – 25/01/2024
Kepler’s Il Capitale is a great life lesson. Because it does not only talk about work and our imploded and failed contemporary world, it does not only talk about collapsed and gasping capitalism, but it talks about western life. (…)
RTBF.BE – Diane Delangre – 6/06/2023
Il Capitale. Un libro che ancora non abbiamo letto shines with a thousand lights. (…) Behind this staging, which is not really one, hides an unusual approach which deserves all your attention.
LE SOIR.BE – Catherine Makereel – 1/06/2023
Removed, sincere, funny, the show asks these questions and shows men and women who have found themselves companions of struggle. (…) Greeting the audience at the end of the play, raised fist or hand on the heart, they don’t do theatre, they move their struggle to the stage, as an echo for other workers in revolt.
DOPPIOZERO – Rossella Menna – 21/10/2022
A work that goes beyond the initial theme and pedagogical pitfalls, full of tensions, emotions, nuances, and perspectives of meaning. (…) The show ended with a very exciting standing ovation from the audience, a sort of spontaneous promise to continue the fight together.
IL MANIFESTO – Gianfranco Capitta – 15/10/2022
The strong element, even in the exchange with the ‘normal’ public, lies in the deepening of ideas, rights, behavioural models. A beautiful and profitable experience for every spectator who will come across it.
CONTROSCENA – Enrico Fiore – 12/10/2022
Dramaturgy gives the idea of community as best it could not have been done. And no less is the effectiveness with which it reveals our contradictions, even in the substantial adherence to Marxist thought.
HUFFPOST ITALIA – Mario De Santis – 12/10/2022
A wonderful experience that we hope to be able to see again elsewhere with its force of truth, the ethical attitude, without the rhetoric, the curious gaze, the body and the persons of the workers as evidence of lives as well as work.
All the Press Extracts
Il Capitale – trailer.mp4 from Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione on Vimeo.
Click on the CC button and choose your preferred subtitle language
Artistic Data
stage hand Andrea Bovaia / Andrea Bulgarelli
light and video technician Giuseppe Tomasi
sound technician Francesco Vacca
set and props realized in ERT scenography studio
head of scenography studio and carpenter Gioacchino Gramolini
set decorators Ludovica Sitti with Sarah Menichini, Benedetta Monetti, Rebecca Zavattoni
iconographic research and poster image Letizia Calori
production Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale
thanks to Stefano Breda, Cantiere Camilo Cienfuegos – Campi Bisenzio
photos Luca Del Pia