Premiere: Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna, 18/05/2023
About this event
Affabulazione is an Oedipus Rex mixed with the myth of Cronos. It is an anguished dream, a labyrinthine journey into the consciousness of the bourgeois class in 1966 and, today, into the consciousness of us all. Pasolini’s tragedy becomes, in the reading of the director Marco Lorenzi, a cruel thriller, sometimes black, disturbing, and surreal.
A labyrinthine journey into the consciousness of the bourgeois class, Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Affabulazione is a drama that deals with the lack of dialogue between two generations through the difficult relationship between a father and his son.
Pasolini’s tragedy is directed by Marco Lorenzi, co-founder of the company Il Mulino di Amleto.
The story begins with the anguished dream of a Lombard industrialist who begins to feel like a child again, feeling an obscure attraction for his son: he would like to renew himself in him by regaining the freedom and naivety of adolescence. A sort of reversal of the Oedipal myth, in which the father considers his son as a fascinating enigma to be deciphered, although this conviction turns out to be a mistake: the mystery is without solution. Accompanied by the shadow of Pasolini returning from the Hades of the Ostia seaplane, this story of ambiguity, silences and hatred becomes for Lorenzi a pretext to look at the contemporary world and to ask: what happens when are not the sons who kill the fathers, but the other way around?
Artistic Data
production Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale
in collaboration with AMA Factory and Il Mulino di Amleto
thanks to TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa
within the project Come devi immaginarmi dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini